24 hr visa

Sandra drown
United States of America
24 hr visa
Jan 06, 2020
I need to get a visa by 1/7. I’ve visited before last year for a one month and have family that live there. Can I expedite a visa
Vietnam Evisa Support
Jan 06, 2020
Dear Sandra drown,
Thanks for your concern,
We can suppport you to get visa ontime.
Please follow my link to apply: https://www.vietnam-evisa.org/apply-visa.html
Apply visa online, You will get visa stamp on the passport upon arrival, All you need to do is fill your
information in the form and make payment online.
After that, we will send You the approval letter via email, please print it out to board the plane and use
it to get visa stamp on the passport upon arrival.
For any further details, please contact us at visa@vietnam-evisa.org or call us at +84.327.117.119
Stepfano Tran (Mr.)