Electronic visa


Electronic visa

Nov 19, 2019
I want to apply for a e-visa, however, it seems that it's not allowed to make a trip to the Mekong Delta due to immigration policy. Last july i had a e-visa and wanted to make a 3 days trip to the Mekong Delta, however what i understood, they wil enter trough Cambodia and didn't do it. What is the proper policy please about the Mekong? Can you do only a 1 day trip, or only on land?
Thanks in advance
Kind regards
Vietnam Evisa Support
Nov 19, 2019

Dear Johan,

When will you arrive Vietnam ? And which port will you arrive ?

You can check here via this link https://www.vietnam-evisa.org/vietnam-e-visa.html

Let me know if I can be of any help or email us at visa@vietnam-evisa.org


Ashley Nguyen (Ms)

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