Multiple entry
Multiple entry
Dear Sir/Madam.
I'm a Danish citizen.
I'm travelling to Vietnam on Nov. 17 and will go home again on December 29. While I'm in Vietnam I might make a trip to the Filippines for 15 days and return to Vietnam again. If I make the trip to Fili, I would stay a total of 28 days in Vietnam.
If I do that, what kind of visa would I have to get?
Thank tou very much in advance
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your question,
We would like to advise you that you should apply for 1 month multiple Visa. You can go to our embassy or apply online with us once you are staying in Philipine without sending us any documents.
Please kindly take a reference via site:
Thank you,
Best regards,
E-visa team