Second single-entry Visa

Guthrie Alexander
United States of America

Second single-entry Visa

Jan 30, 2020

I applied for and received a single entry Visa for my flight to Vietnam on February 8th. Originally we were going to stay from Feb 8th-22nd.

It appears that my fiancee and I will need to travel to Thailand on the 12th-15th of Feb, and then return to Vietnam on the 15th until the 22nd.

Can I apply for a second single-entry visa for the 15th-22nd? If not, what are my options?
Vietnam Evisa Support
Feb 04, 2020

Dear sir/madam, 

Thanks for your question, 

You can apply a new visa if want to re- enter from Thai land to Vietnam 

Here your link :

Thanks and best regards, 


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