Visa Vietnam 15 days
Visa Vietnam 15 days
Hello, I read spanish tourist don´t need visa if the stay in Vietnam is 15 days. Is that correct? Is it less than 15 days or 15 days is included in the exception?
Thank you
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to confirm you that according to the Vietnam Immigration's new policy, from July 1, 2015 to June 30th 2017, Great Britain, France, Spain, German, Italy and Belarus no need Visa if they stay in Vietnam less than 15 days. However, the previous visit must be far from the next visit at least 30 days.
Evisa Team
Dear Sir/ Madam
Thank you for your email.
We would like to inform that Spainish do not need Vietnam visa for 15 days. However, the previous visit must be far 30 days the next visit.
So if you haven't entered Vietnam before, you can enter Vietnam without visa for 15 days.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Evisa Team