VOA application at Nha Trang airport

Helen Shen
VOA application at Nha Trang airport
Feb 22, 2020
My flight will be arriving at Nha Trang airport CXR, can I still use VOR online application program?
Kind regards
Helen Shen
Kind regards
Helen Shen
Vietnam Evisa Support
Feb 24, 2020
Dear Helen Shen
For Nha Trang airport CXR, you can apply online Vietnam visa at https://www.vietnam-evisa.org/apply-visa.html
Apply visa online, You will get visa stamp on the passport upon arrival, All you need to do is fill your
information in the form and make payment online.
After that, we will send You the approval letter via email, please print it out to board the plane and use
it to get visa stamp on the passport upon arrival.
Best Regards
Stepfanno Tran (Mr .)